Upload subtitles using Java applet

Hello after long time. We’ve been working on Java applet for uploading subtitles and implementing it to OS site. Upload subtitles using Java applet is really useful, because it works better, than “normal” web upload. It works like Subdownloader or well known Oscar – it sends movie hash and movie filesize information, so other people can download those subtitles without using website. If you don’t know nothing about this, just check our wiki.

We have some small TODO list for this applet, in near future you will see it in your own language maybe, also more things will come…

Enjoy 🙂

Start the discussion at forum.opensubtitles.com

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The Power of Subtitles in Advertising

In an era where global content consumption is at an all-time high, “Open Subtitles” taps into an underutilized advertising medium.